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Avoid the Flu!

According to the CDC, last year’s flu season was the longest we have had in a decade, and there is no indication this year will be any different. Prevention is always the best way to stay healthy. In this post, we would like to provide some tips to help prevent the flu virus for you and your children.

Get vaccinated. Influenza is the only respiratory virus preventable by vaccination.

Keep your hands clean. Frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer helps prevent the spread of germs.

Don’t touch your face. Touching your face is the easiest way for germs to enter your body.

Give your immune system a boost. Healthy eating habits, exercise, and even smiling have been proven to improve immune system health, which is what fights the flu virus! 

Some common signs and symptoms of the flu are: Fever

Sore Throat

Fatigue and Weakness

Dry Cough

Chills and Sweats

Muscle Aches


If you show symptoms of having the flu, you should stay home and avoid contact until you are fever free for 24 hours to avoid spreading it to others.

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